Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Sign Mounted on Phasor Building

Thanks to the Tuscon team for mounting the sign.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Anchorage Airport

Time to Depart Nome

Pancake Breakfast - Last breakfast in Nome for this visit

A wonderful breakfast provided by Dawn Sawyer, a co-leader of the VBS


Sign Completed for the Phasor Building

Fred & Rob pose by their creation (assisted by Bill W.)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 5 - Another Great Meal

Jeannine prepares Moosketti with Moose meat provided by Marty, the consultant that helped us level the radio station. By the way, Moose meat is outstanding and unavailable unless you are able to barter for it.

Day 5 - Vacation Bible School (last day) continued.

Work continues after VBS by the Father & Son Team (Fred & Rob).

Day 5 - Vacation Bible School (last day) continued.

Unique modes of transportation.

Day 5 - Vacation Bible School (last day) continued.

The Co-Chairs of VBS; Teresa and Dawn (right).

Day 5 - Vacation Bible School (last day) continued.

Notice the diversity of the children involved in VBS.

Day 5 - Vacation Bible School (last day) continued.

Peter (Jay) did another great story about Peter escaping prison. Notice the careful attention being paid by the children.

Day 5 - Vacation Bible School (last day).

The leaders and the kids were into the music tonight at VBS.

Day 5 - Construction continues at KICY

Stairs and painting completed.

Day 5 - Construction continues at KICY

Painting continues as does construction on the new stairs.

Day 5 - Construction continues at KICY

One last trip to the Nome equivalent of Lowes. Definitely a bit more costly.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 4 - Arctic swim continued

Notice the swimmers vs. the non swimmers....

Day 4 - Arctic swim continued

A group shot by the fire to warm up a few degrees.

Day 4 - Arctic swim continued

Day 4 - Arctic swim continued

Day 4 - Relaxation

Nothing quite like a hot dog roast followed by a polar bear swim in the Arctic Waters of Nome.

Day 4 - Vacation Bible School Continued

The children really enjoyed participating in a sack race; as did some of the parents.

Day 4 - Vacation Bible School

The children are involved with the teachings and continue to enjoy the story by Peter (Jay).

Day 4 - Red Salmon Feast

Thanks to Marty, our radio station leveling consultant, we enjoyed a feast for lunch (expertly prepared by Jeannine) today (Thursday).

Day 4 - Continue work on the radio station

Old siding was removed and the new siding was applied and painted.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 3 - Vacation Bible School Continued

At the end of class, there's many different modes of transportation.

Day 3 - Vacation Bible School Continued

Some games and lessons on how to throw a boomarang.

Day 3 - Vacation Bible School Continued

The children are actively participating and of course enjoy Peter's (Jay) story about Peter denying Jesus.

Day 3 - Vacation Bible School Continued

Another lesson provided with the children paying close attention.

Day 3 - Vacation Bible School

The children begin to gather and then a chu chu train to the Church Building. Last night was pretty chilly so the plan was to move indoors. The sun came out so the kids could do their games outside.